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We offer services for early years provision leaders and educators

We understand the challenges and the tensions experienced by educators as we strive to support more children with needs in our provision. We help to unpick those challenges and recommend resources, training and support needed to enhance the education and inclusion of children with additional needs. We never settle for second best and always have your satisfaction as our top priority. It’s who we are and we are proud of it. 

Who Are We?

With  BA Hons in SEND and inclusive practies, success in designing an outstanding early years curriculum for a start-up nursery, and working experience as a manager of a specialist early years provision supporting children with SEND. The wisdom, knowledge and expertise learnt working in support of SEND has been shaped into six easy steps to improve your EYFS practice and OFSTED outcomes.

Six Step Strategy for Inclusion

Created by an experienced SEND professional, our six step program was borne out of a pasion to ensure children with additional needs have access to quality early years experiences alongside their peers.

Our six steps master the daily obstacles faced in an early years provision to create a fully inclusive ethos, from policy through to practice. 




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